Every man for whom the quality of his sexual life is important must have a clear idea of the ideal penis. Desires for detail may differ, but sheer size remains a priority, perhaps for everyone. The small length and girth of the manhood become a serious reason for complexes and obsessive thoughts about how to enlarge the penis at home. Why at home? It is not customary to reveal such intimate problems, moreover, if it is possible to solve them by oneself, without involving third parties, why not try?
Is penis enlargement at home real or a myth?
A small penis does not please everyone, and you should not perceive this problem only as "inability to use it. "You should not ask just anyone about how to increase penis at home; most are skeptical about such companies. However, skepticism is in vain - scientific progress leads to the emergence of more and more effective ways and methods of enlarging the penis at home. There are practically no muscle tissues in the penis, and it "works" according to the hydraulic principle. The ability to stretch and change volume under pressure creates opportunities to lengthen the penis.

It is rumored that after only 2 months of satisfaction with the help of a very narrow opening, the male sexual organ can decrease. Such a statement is not true, but the increase in size is definitely not a myth. The systematic implementation of specific actions, in particular, special exercises, effective tools and proven means will soon allow you to answer the question of whether it is possible to increase the penis at home. And this answer will be yes, but only with the right approach.
Home remedies
On the Internet, we find many articles on how to increase the penis at home with folk remedies and methods. However, the effectiveness of alternative medicine is in doubt, although the reviews of some men who have decided on the "grandfather" experiments indicate a positive result.
Some impose compresses with soda and honey, others make baths with soda solution and soda scrubs. Soda can also be taken orally. The effectiveness has not been proven and is highly questionable.
herbal decoctions
A decoction of wormwood is used, you can also prepare garlic tincture (200 g of garlic per 250 ml of good-quality alcohol), an infusion with thyme (100 g per 300 ml of boiling water).
herbal remedies
One of the most famous folk methods is rubbing the genitals with aloe juice squeezed from "adult" leaves (it must be cut off at the root). An alternative is horse chestnut tincture, which you can make yourself or buy at a regular pharmacy. Infusions of ginseng root, ginkgo leaves and hawthorn fruits are also on the list of non-traditional "medicine".
In the case of folk remedies, you act at your own peril and risk. Using various methods of penis enlargement at home, a man must understand that the methods that really work must be confirmed by research and proven on a scientific level.
Creams, gels, tablets
Gels, creams, sprays, pills and special supplements for the growth of the male organ have dubious efficacy and affect the quality of a man's sexual life rather than the duration of his "device". Only in a natural way can penis enlargement be achieved by stimulating tissue growth and cell division.
Therefore, such drugs and drugs show effectiveness only when used "in a pair" with other methods that really give results, confirmed by scientific research and the real experience of men.
jelqing exercises
The jelqing method of penis enlargement came to us from the Middle East. Few people know it, but in reality it is an ancient Arab technique, which consists of manipulating the genitals, similar to milking. Distinguish jelq dry, wet and squeezing. In all cases, the male organ is stretched with the hands.
There are many variations of such exercises, but there are no "secret" formulas or a universal program. You should select a program individually and stop at the one that shows efficacy in your case. The body's reaction under different loads is the main guide.
Initially, you need to jelq in a semi-erect, and then increase the intensity of classes due to the erect state. Cultivate self-discipline in yourself, do such exercises regularly and watch a slow rise.
How goes the whole process:
- Treat the skin with lubricant (relevant for beginners);
- Then create a ring with your index finger and thumb at the base;
- Firmly grasp the penis with a correct grip;
- Grasp the shaft of the penis and drive the blood to the head;
- When the hand reaches the head, with the other hand, make a correct grip at the base. The first hand has reached the head - it is released, the second begins to move.
An approach should take about 10 minutes and consist of about 250 iterations. Classes usually last about 40 minutes a day, and this time includes not only jelq, but also other exercises for a more varied load. Growth is not immediately noticeable, so be prepared to work hard on yourself for many months or even years.
How to enlarge the penis at home without pain using jelq? To avoid pain and injury, keep to a moderate pace and pace, starting with wet jelqing. After 6-8 weeks of regular training, it is worth developing an erection for new activities by 50-70%. Jelqing goes well with stretching.
Let's look at some additional jelq techniques.
It involves the impact on the head. We connect the index finger and thumb, and slowly direct the blood to the head, where you need to hold your hand for about ten seconds.
reverse jelq
With the help of one hand, the organ is held at the base, the other around the head. Next, we stretch the erect organ to the base. And so 30 repetitions.
In addition to the ability to lengthen your "device", with the implementation of various exercise techniques, you can note the following improvements:
- Better blood circulation in the penis;
- Firmer and improved erection;
- Elimination of premature ejaculation;
- Increased sexual stamina;
- Improved erection control.
On forums and blogs, they write how a penis can be increased at home by up to 5 centimeters in length and up to 3 in volume: "When performing various techniques of jelq and intimate massage, systematicity and discipline are needed. "Of course, these values \u200b\u200bare of an individual nature, and here are record figures (perhaps overestimated, men like to exaggerate). But, at a minimum, long-term daily massage contributes to a significant improvement in a man's sex life.
All manipulations are carried out exclusively by hand. Your goal is systematic movements, starting with slow efforts. The pain reaction of the penis will occur only during incorrect and excessively intense tension.
Jai Stretch: Pulling the penis forward for 2 seconds (stretches the upper penile ligaments and PC muscle), suggesting alternate relaxation for 2 seconds. 20 repetitions are performed, the level of erection is from 0 to 40%. Training time: about 5 minutes or a set number of approaches. On topics about how to increase the penis at home with the help of stretching, forum users recommend combining the technique with breathing practices.
The main complex (A, V and reverse V stretching) involves grasping the shaft of the penis in an arbitrary area (but not the head), gently stretching it forward while holding the stretched position for half a minute. Restoration of blood flow occurs by patting the penis on the leg. Stretch the penis in different directions for 30 seconds.
As with other exercise and massage techniques, over months of training you can see a slight result in the increase of the genital organ. There will be more positive changes in a man's sex life.
Suspension of a load on the male organ produces a tangible effect compared to manual exercises and techniques, but, on the other hand, there is a chance to injure the penis. Do not hang too large a load, pay attention to the design of the latch on the head; It shouldn't be traumatic. Under no circumstances should a short period of use be compensated with higher loads.
There are specially designed factory suspension models - hangers with a useful weight of about 1. 25 kg and a vacuum mount. It is their experts who recommend using them for hanging. The head will be fixed by a convenient camera, all risks are reduced to almost zero.
Water Pump
Another way to enlarge the penis at home without creams, manual actions and operations is to use pumps. Its main purpose is to create a good erection, but it should be remembered that a prolonged stay of the penis in a vacuum causes skin damage and severe swelling.
Hydropumps, unlike conventional pumps, do not allow the skin to come into contact with the vacuum, therefore causing greater and more prolonged stretching of the tissues. Hot water perfectly warms the tissues and contributes to their better elasticity. The hydropump can give a temporary result (it allows you to increase the penis by 10-15% just before sex) or fix it when used as an addition to the extender.
The use of a hydropump gives only a small slow growth of the penis in girth and length, and the first results (subject to daily exercises lasting 20 minutes) are noticeable only after 3-4 months. Possible secondary or negative results.
A homemade method to lengthen the male genital organ, whose effectiveness has been proven by multiple studies, is the use of an extender. In addition to penis enlargement, such a device allows you to correct the curvature. During many hours of use of the extender, the tissues of the penis stretch and grow, eliminating tension. Therefore, the use of an extender allows men to gain a few extra centimeters for life.
What results to expect? It depends directly on the characteristics of your body, regularity and total time of use. In the last 10 years, many studies have been conducted that have proven the effectiveness of the use of extenders.
The aim of the study in 2008 was to study the effect of traction, that is, stretching the penis with an extender, in the process of treating Peyronie's disease. For 6 months, the result was obtained in the form of a straightening of 33 °, and in addition, the study revealed an increase in the length of the penis from 1 to 2. 5 cm, the girth from 0. 5 to 1 cm.
Stretching with a traction apparatus 5 hours a day for 6 months showed a result in the form of straightening of the penis from 27 to 31 °, with a lengthening of 1. 7 cm. After 12 months after the start of the study, the results were found to be stable and stable.
The result of 11 studies, in the framework of which the enlargement of the male genital organ through the use of extenders was verified, confirms its effectiveness.
Patients used the diluent 4 to 6 hours a day for the first two weeks. After that and until the end of the 3rd month, the daily usage time was 9 hours. It was possible to achieve an increase in the length of the penis by an average of 1. 7 cm.
The 2019 study is the largest study conducted so far. The number of subjects was 93, the period was 12 weeks. A straightening of 31. 2° on average was obtained, elongation of 1. 8 cm (the maximum result was 3 cm).
After 6 to 8 months of active use of the extender, you can achieve:
- Length increase;
- Penile thickening (increased girth);
- increased libido;
- Prolongation of the time of sexual intercourse.
When strap closure devices are used, the foreskin is also enlarged (it can be used to lengthen it, if necessary).
How to enlarge a penis at home with an extender, if you have never resorted to such methods? To begin with, it is important to go through a load adaptation program. During the first month and a half, the daily wearing time should be increased from one hour to six, and the tensile force - from 200 g to 1150 g In the early stages, you can not use force methods, but you can use a stretcher or a hanger (suspension).
A cycle of use of the extender should last at least 60 minutes, but not more than 3 hours, after which a break is required to restore blood circulation. For a good result, the total time of use should be 6 hours a day, and the cycles do not have to be long, but the closer, the better (one set, no more than 3 hours). Infrequent jumps are allowed, although daily training is recommended.
Why is it possible and safe to enlarge the penis at home with an extender? From many other techniques that can be used without leaving home, the use of a diluent differs in that it does not belong to pseudoscientific or traditional medicine. The effectiveness of this method is confirmed not by reviews of forum members or bloggers, but by real studies involving thousands of men. The use of such a device does not lead to complications, does not damage blood vessels and can be quite convenient and painless, if, of course, you choose the "right" extender. You can use it discreetly, at work, on the road, traveling, doing daily housework. This is one of the few non-surgical methods that can deliver real results instead of unrealistic expectations. The main thing is to make sure that there are no individual contraindications.
The result of which method is more reliable.
Using gels, creams, special nutrition, dietary supplements and tablets, stimulation of blood flow, improvement of erection, prolongation of the intimate act and, in general, better self-control during sexual intercourse can be achieved. Such methods of penis enlargement at home create conditions for growth rather than stimulate it.
By engaging in special exercises, complex types of massage, regular jelqing and suspension, you can count on an increase in the length and girth of the penis, but rather slowly.
But how to enlarge the penis at home and get a stable result without negative consequences? Experts and andrologists strongly recommend the use of high-quality extenders combined with stretchers, and to complement and consolidate the result using pumps and hydro-pumps as auxiliary devices. And only in extreme cases should resort to surgical intervention.